Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dominic Michael { newborn }

I'm so excited to introduce precious (and brand new) baby Dominic. I could hardly wait to meet the newest addition to an already adorable family (I had photographed big brother Vincent back in January).  And I must say, my time with Dominic was total bliss.

This little guy made my job EXTRA awesome last Friday.  The first frame posted below was literally the first photo I took all day - an absolute sign as to what a sweet cooperative babe he was going to be throughout the session. Dominic is the perfect package wrapped up in a little 7lb 13oz body. That super soft baby skin, his full head of blonde curls, those little tootsies, his perfectly content disposition, and of course...that smile.

Can you say newborn baby addict?  I.CAN'T.GET.ENOUGH. ;)


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1 comment:

  1. These pictures are beyond precious! Dominic is a beautiful baby Marisa!! I love the "welcome wagon" shot!
